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Quantum Mechanics: Elementary Concepts
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Welcome to your course journey! (3:15)
Course material
Video lesson 1: Schrödinger's equation (5:25)
Video lesson 2: Example system: Harmonic oscillator - part 1 (4:31)
Exercise 1: Coherent state of a harmonic oscillator
Video lesson 3: Example system: Harmonic oscillator - part 2 (1:52)
Video lesson 4: Born's rule (2:23)
Video lesson 5: Normalization condition (3:01)
Exercise 2: An example of using the Born rule
Video lesson 6: Position expectation value (3:03)
Exercise 3: Position expectation value in symmetric distributions
Exercise 4: Position expectation value: An example
Video lesson 7: Momentum expectation value (2:47)
Exercise 5: Momentum expectation value
Exercise 6: Mean momentum of a particle with a real wave function
Video lesson 8: Observables and operators (4:24)
Video lesson 9: Example: Zero-point energy of a harmonic oscillator (5:51)
Exercise 7: Expectation values of x, p, V, and T for a coherent state
Video lesson 10: Uncertainty (5:35)
Exercise 8: An example of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
Video lesson 11: Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (3:55)
Exercise 9: Derivation of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
Video lesson 12: Zero-point energy revisited (3:09)
Video lesson 13: Quantum superposition (6:36)
Exercise 10: Normalizing a cat state
Video lesson 14: Stationary states - part 1 (5:15)
Video lesson 15: Stationary states - part 2 (5:29)
Video lesson 16: Particle in a box (6:52)
Exercise 11: Normalization constant for the stationary states of a particle in a box
Exercise 12: Classical limit in the particle-in-a-box system
Video lesson 17: Origin of motion (5:13)
Exercise 13: Temporal oscillations in a superposition of two stationary states
Exercise 14: Determining expansion coefficients from the initial wave function
Video lesson 18: Expansion coefficients, energy measurement, wave function collapse (5:17)
Exercise 15: An alternative form of the normalization condition
Exercise 16: Two alternative expressions for the expectation value of energy
Exercise 17: Energy measurement for a particle in a box
Video lesson 19: Free particle (5:55)
Exercise 18: Free-particle Gaussian wave packet
Video lesson 20: Step potential (7:27)
Exercise 19: Solving the Schrödinger equation for the step potential
Exercise 20: Step potential: Probabilities of reflection and transmission
Video lesson 21: Quantum tunneling (5:02)
Exercise 21: Tunneling through a rectangular potential barrier
Closing thoughts and farewell
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Exercise 17: Energy measurement for a particle in a box
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